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09 February, 2009

Blueberry Cheesecake

She had a tiring day and I’m placid amidst the raging storm that recently and is still rummaging my life. We had a long walk from our work place coupled with talks which mostly is a debate whether to go or not. Finally, we decided to have a break which means CAKE or the other option of which I cannot declare on this page! (It’s not what your thinking it is!) And so, there we are but decided to order different cakes. She ordered a cheesecake something and I an ice cream cake. We talked, she shared about her international relations while I’m there in front of her listening attentively and butting in between talks. I did have a share of my piece of story which eventually made me feel good. It was a release! She did not reacted nor gave me an advice of which she apologize about her incapacity give one. But simply listening to my litanies of mixed emotions is comforting enough.

It was drizzling and the breeze is quite cold, you can see through the panes the lights from a distant street lamp while the glow from the vehicles’ headlights appear and disappear with the flow of the traffic. On the table are empty glasses of water and crumbs of cakes on the plate while on the wall the clock strikes quarter to seven. Its been almost an hour since we arrived and had a conversation but we felt it wasn’t enough so we decided to each have another slice of cake. We resolved to the all time favorite BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE! However, this did not started the conversation right away, instead we started taking pictures of the cake and of ourselves. It was fun! And so, there we were, munching the cake and savouring its saccharine flavor while our conversation jumped from Angelina Jolie to Michael Jordan to Seye to long pauses and comfortable silence. Then we decided to go home. She went home with her fantasies and me? Back to reality!

This is crazy. But having a break in between makes the situation more bearable. It’s like being in the eye of the storm, very calm. Then when it passes, strong winds tosses you again to where you don’t know.


Anonymous said...

Cheesecake and Crazy Days!!! they go together pretty well...

international relations? duh!!!!!

La said...

blueberry cheesecake after an ice cream cake! :D

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