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07 December, 2009

An Award!

I am glad that somehow I have touched other people’s lives in some way through this blog. And recognizing such, I’m left with nothing but in full gratitude. My Lady C, what more can I say but BIG THANKS! (I made that poem aiming for this award honestly! – hahaha no I’m just kidding, I didn’t know those awards existed until now) and without further adieu, here is what the award is all about:
The Heartfelt Award is awarded to those whose blogs touch your heart upon visiting. I am honored to be keeping a blog which touches people's hearts so much! Thank you, Diana P., for your kind words about me, on your blog! And thank you for thinking about me for this award! I will have to pass this award on to Mike. Mike (as we all know) wrote a poem for me on his blog, which so touched my heart and the hearts of all of my readers who visited that poem, therefore, I think he deserves this award! Congratulations, Mike! :)

On the other hand this award comes with another award which, if chosen, you have to abide. See if your name-link is included hahaha. Here it goes:

Honest Scrap Award This award comes with rules! 1. “The Honest Scrap” award is not one to hold all to your self but it must be shared! 2. First, the recipient has to tell 10 true things about themselves in their blog that no one else knows. 3. Second, the recipient has to pass along this prestigious award to 10 more bloggers. 4. Third, those 10 bloggers all have to be notified they have been given with this award. 5. Those 10 bloggers that receive this award should link back to the blog that awarded them “The Honest Scrap’ award. Thank you, Crazy Rabbit Lady!!!!For this award!!!!

Now, I’ll start with the BIG TEN (ugh!!! Do I really have to write this? Lol) 1. I’m a chocoholic; 2. I don’t like being in a gathering, it drains me up; 3. I love gothic themes; 4. I have a dear friend – a white mice; hahaha I’m really out of words to say nor secrets to tell… 5. I am poor in grammar; 6. I’m into reggae and latin beats; I’m almost there hahaha… 7. I love tequila; 8. I have a sea lion stuffed toy which I treasure much – I bought it at Ocean Adventure; 9. I’m a anime fanatic and… FINALLY… 10. I am childish.LOL there you go!
So I pass the – should I say wet blanket? – lol nah… the FUN to the following people:

Lucia Seifert

Congratulations guys!


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