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31 January, 2010

Ode to You

You made a poet out of me
Scribbled notes about you I see
I made sure that each line rhymes
To follow the beat of this heart of mine

I would lay down a great canvass
The painter I am is unleashed at last
These thousand words would burst to life
A picture with you and what I’d be like

You are the music of my lyrics
The melody of my written words
There may be silence, or maybe codas
But I will put bridges and repeat chorus

I would sculpt you in finest marbles
And parade you in clearest crystals
Because I want the world to see
How much you mean to me

I may have all there is in art
But this now I have to start
Will a song with me you’ll sing
If I strum the guitar strings?


C. JoyBell C. said...


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